I came up with the Top 10 ways I'm planning to lower my carbon footprint this holiday season. Starting with #10...
Start on black Friday by not getting caught up in the feeding frenzy of overindulgent, overspending. Take your time and shop online and put items into a shopping queue before hitting that final purchase button.
Order everything from Amazon.com – robot efficiency across the organization means minimal energy spent to get the product from the factory to under your tree. No, I don’t own stock – I wish!
Go practical and give yourselves an energy upgrade for your home – energy efficient appliances, new windows or a 95% energy-efficient furnace don’t fit under the tree but start saving as soon as they’re installed.
Don’t over cook. Your pants will thank you, less cooking and baking means less gorging, less impact on food production, less packaging and yes, I have to say it, less sewage to treat. Ewww…
Stay home.
Go minimal on holiday decorations. Giant inflatable Santa and his 8 tiny reindeer are not only garish, but are also made from petroleum products and require energy to inflate and light. Skip killing a tree and try a bunch of painted twisted willow branches painted white with minimal lights for a low-key and slick look. You can stick them in your garden in the off season and use them the next year. Reuse!
If you can afford it, give to a green charity. IMHO the most impact you can have is to give to charities that preserve green space, especially in developing countries, where overpopulation, overdevelopment and lack of sufficient environmental laws are straining fragile ecosystems and decimating others.
Buy local. Buy sustainable. Buy green, Buy Less.
Eat local. Eat organic. Eat less meat.
Think before you buy, especially when it comes to the kids. There’s so much junk out there for kids. Do they really need a room overflowing with toys?
Well, I’m sure I’ll be visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve after that last one, but it is, what it is. Have a Happy Holiday.